Tuesday, September 25, 2012

August and September

I have been so bad and not created a post in forever! Sadly I have no excuse other than not feeling the greatest! This post is mainly a hodge podge of pictures of what I've been up to.

 cotton candy clouds

 the sheep in the field behind our house
 Our neighbors goats
 watching the sheep
 our beautiful full moon
 I looked out our window the other day only to see a hot air balloon!

 eating yufka donner special in Heidelberg :)

 This is for my mom who loves these prairie dog thingys, no I'm sorry meercats. We saw them at Globus and I later discovered that they have TONS of hello kitty things! Paper towels, TP, tissues, toothbrushes, perfume, lipgloss, you name it! Almost as good as sanrio!
 hello kitty TP
 hello kitty paper towels
 hello kitty tissues
back to school shopping and we saw this cute mini pilot suit 

 We signed Royce up for soccer, here he is in his new cleats and shin guards!
We had a crazy 20 minute hail storm! 

We finally got another vehicle. Another scion, but a 2006 and it's smaller than the one we have now. I have still been looking for a job even while under the weather. I keep getting turned down because of being a new grad with "not enough experience" or not enough "specialized experience". I have been told I need to volunteer at Landstuhl and that way people get to know me. I would love to do this, but Landstuhl is an hour away and with Royce started kindergarden it's not optimal. We are supposed to be moving closer to Landstuhl by next summer because the base Nick is at is closing. Employment is very difficult for spouses here, I knew that but I thought having a medical degree would make it easier. Not so much.
Nick is doing great in school, maintaining a GPA of 3.85. He was also awarded for being an outstanding student it is supossed to be featured on the Full Sail website. His teachers have also asked him to be a mentor, which he has decided to take on.
Not too much else going on, frequent Dr appt's with my being pregnant and of course with complications. (I'm thinking of starting another blog just about that)...Until next time!

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